Write for Us

What kind of sports fan are you? Have you always wanted to write and are now particularly interested in sports journalism?

Our platform lets you connect with readers worldwide, numbering in the millions.

If you’re looking for the quickest news, live streams, scorecards, highlights, and exclusive videos, you’ve found the right place at NFL Score. Our year-old platform is always searching for freelance writers, guest authors, and content creators from all walks of life who can provide original, high-quality work in various sports genres.

For what purposes do we share this information?

NFL-Score produces a wide variety of material on its website and mobile app, including news articles, trending stories, match reports, features, interviews, analysis, match prediction and previews, fantasy guides, statistical pieces, video content, and much more.

Write for Us

Guidelines for Writing Content:

A. The material should be at least 350 words for news and trending items.

  1. Aim for 500 words if the item is news; if there is a lot of material, omit unnecessary details and describe it using your language.
  2. The article should focus on your content rather than quotations; you should continue to describe the subject beyond the first paragraph and keep the tone consistent.
  3. The introduction paragraph aims to set the stage, present some information, and then go into detail about it. You must make sure that the reader reads the whole article. Also, ensure it is clear, as it would be boring.

B. Articles should maintain a constant paragraph length of four or five lines throughout; anything shorter or longer than that will throw the reader off.

  1. The first two paragraphs should include a description, without “quotes,” if the piece is news. Avoid paraphrasing the quotes directly, but feel free to describe them there.
  2. When using quotes from another source, indicate where they came from. When it comes to press conferences before and after matches, could you make a note of it?

C. Instead of paraphrasing or reiterating lines from another article on the same topic, try using a different pattern to explain the same information.

That kind of treatment of the text is revolting.

  1. Aim for 500 words if the item is news; if there is a lot of material, omit unnecessary details and describe it using your language.
  2. The article should focus on your content rather than quotations; you should continue to describe the subject beyond the first paragraph and keep the tone consistent.
  3. The introduction paragraph aims to set the stage, present some information, and then go into detail about it. You must make sure that the reader reads the whole article. Also, ensure it is clear, as it would be boring.

D. Head each piece with a subheading.

F. If you write a lengthy piece, outline first. Then, go to the significant issue and paint the image. Suppose you put yourself in the shoes of a storyteller.

In that case, you will realize how difficult it is to pique your audience’s interest, keep their attention throughout, and finally leave them with a feeling of fulfillment.

  1. Make your arguments more compelling and credible by using statistics and facts to support them.

What is the Application Process?

Write to tahirfaizantahir1@gmail.com | nflscore.info@gmail.com if you want to join the editorial staff of NFL-Score. To show how well you grasp the game, send us an example of your finest work on a unique subject.

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